
Author: Garth Nix

Publisher: New York: Harper Collins 2003
pages: 304
Author's website - check out some of the links that are on this page.

Classification: Young Adult Fiction
Genre: Fantasy
Media Type: book

Grade level: 7-Adult

Reader's annotation:
Lirael and Sameth set off with their companions, the Disreputable Dog and Mogget, the magical cat to defeat the takeover of death and restore power of the Old Kingdom to Sameth’s parents. They must not let the ancient spirit of the Destroyer become whole again or life will be over for all.

Summary: Now that Lirael has discovered she is actually the Abhorsen-in-Waiting and Sameth is off the hook they form a partnership and prepare for their journey to rescue Sam’s unsuspecting friend Nick. Taken over by the powerful necromancer Hedge, Nick has lost control of his free will and is blindly acting as a bridge between the living world and the dead world. As Sam and Lirael work their way through all the obstacles the encounter they gain confidence and courage for the final showdown.

Evaluation: This book picks up right where we left off at the end of Lirael and concludes the trilogy with a hard traveled journey to defeat evil and death, and restore the world to the living. An exciting gripping conclusion with all the right components of suspense and magic with a strong leading woman.

Series: Old Kingdom Trilogy, book 3

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I grew up outside of Boston, went to college in western MA and lived in NYC dancing for several years before getting my teaching credentials and unintentionally moving to Santa Cruz CA. Married and divorced with two kids almost grown, a daughter in college and a son in high school, I am thrilled to be a librarian now, something that I should have done years ago. I love the applications of technology and realize that I have been interested in that since my first computer class back in 1986 - a new requirement for teaching degrees. Finally I can combine my love of curriculum, educational resources, working with adults and children, and technology applications.
