The Adventures of Johnny Bunko

Author: Daniel Pink
Artist: Rob Ten Pas

Publisher: Riverhead Books 2008
pages: 160
Author's website

Classification: Non-fiction
Genre: Self Help
Media Type: Graphic Novel

Grade level: 10 - Adult

Reader's annotation:
Johnny, unhappy with his job and outlook for the future learns six valuable lessons that turn his life and career around.

Johnny is just following his plan. Why then is he so unhappy? After working late again he gets some take out food to eat at his desk. When he snaps apart his chopsticks he is shocked to see a woman with pointy ears appear in his cubical claiming she will help Johnny get out of his unhappy rut. Suspicious and defensive he doesn't really know what to believe. Before he knows it, she is gone. The next day when he tells his friends about her they don’t believe him, so he proves it and snaps apart one of the six pairs of chopsticks he has. Poof, there’s Diana, pointy ears and all. Thus start the lessons. Each lesson is clearly explained and the pictures give all the background and nuance. We see Johnny as he gets out of his rut and transforms his life. Each lesson is a basic life lesson that is timeless and so useful to know.

This book should be read by everyone whether they have a job, are looking for a job, are planning for their future or think they have their life all planned out. Quite enlightening and entertaining.

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I grew up outside of Boston, went to college in western MA and lived in NYC dancing for several years before getting my teaching credentials and unintentionally moving to Santa Cruz CA. Married and divorced with two kids almost grown, a daughter in college and a son in high school, I am thrilled to be a librarian now, something that I should have done years ago. I love the applications of technology and realize that I have been interested in that since my first computer class back in 1986 - a new requirement for teaching degrees. Finally I can combine my love of curriculum, educational resources, working with adults and children, and technology applications.
